SALARY: Grade 1: R307 473 – R356 382 per annum Grade 2: R375 480 – R435 759 per annum Grade 3: R451 533 – R520 273 per annum
CENTRE: Northern Cape Mental Health Hospital
REQUIREMENTS: Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse. Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse with psychiatry as a prerequisite. Experience: Grade 1: None. Grade 2: A minimum of 10 years’ experience appropriate /recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade 3: A minimum of 20 years’ experience appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
DUTIES: Supervise and ensure the provision of effective and efficient patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of nursing care plan and evaluation thereof. Provide relevant health information to healthcare users to assist in achieving optimal health care and rehabilitation of patients. Maintain constructive working relationships with nursing and other stakeholders (i.e. inter professional, inter-sectorial and multi-disciplinary teamwork). Manage and monitor proper utilization of human, financial and physical resources: Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing guidelines, practices, standards and procedures.
ENQUIRIES: Ms AO Mintor Assistant Manager Nursing at 073 184 6400
APPLICATIONS: Please note applications can be hand delivered at the Human resources offices of Northern Cape Mental Health Hospital, couriered via postal services to Portion 84, Bultfontein Farm Number 80 on R31 Barkley Road Kimberley, 8301, e-mail to All applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand-delivered
This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote representativity in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department.
CLOSING DATE: 24 January 2025
NOTE: Applications must be submitted on the new prescribed application form Z83 obtainable from any Public Service Department or any Public Service Administration website. The fully completed and signed Z83 should be accompanied by a detailed/comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, indicating positions held, dates and key performance responsibilities. Only short-listed candidates will be required to submit certified copies of their qualifications and relevant documents on or before the day of the interview proceedings following communication from the Human Resource Management Recruitment and Selection Unit. Failure to submit the requested documents or information will result in your application not being considered.
The employment decision shall be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of the Department. It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this post(s) with a candidate whose transfer/promotion / appointment will promote representavity in line with the numerical targets as contained in our Employment Equity Plan. If you have not been contacted within eight (8) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, qualification verification and employment verification).
Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. The Department reserves the right not to make any appointment(s) to the above post. The successful candidate will be expected to sign a performance agreement. The Department of Health is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. The request for certified documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates. The Human Resource Administration of the Department will inform shortlisted candidate for a post to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview. Should an applicant wish to apply for more than one post, separate applications must be submitted for all posts.