Road Worker (215 Posts)

Road Worker

Road Worker (215 Posts)

SALARY: R155 148 per annum (Level 03)

CENTRE: Ladysmith Region (X34 Posts)

Cost Centre, Dundee:

Signs Team (Dundee) Ref No: DOT 131/2025 (X5 Posts)

Maintenance Team 2 (Mangeni Ref No: DOT 132/2025 (X3 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Mangeni) Ref No: DOT 133/2025 (X1 Post)

Maintenance Team (Helpmekaar) Ref No: DOT 134/2025 (X3 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Dundee) Ref No: DOT 135/2025 (X8 Posts)

Grader Team 2 (Greytown) Ref No: DOT 136/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 2 (Dundee) Ref No: DOT 137/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 2 (Cwaka) Ref No: DOT 138/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 1 (Mangeni) Ref No: DOT 139/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 1 (Dundee) Ref No: DOT 140/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 1 (Cwaka) Ref No: DOT 141/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team (Helpmekaar) Ref No: DOT 142/2025 (X1 Post)

Depot Team (Dundee) Ref No: DOT 143/2025 (X2 Posts)

Betterment Team (Dundee) Ref No: DOT 144/2025 (X2 Posts)

Betterment Team (Greytown) Ref No: DOT 145/2025 (X2 Posts)

Blacktop Team (Dundee) Ref No: DOT 146/2025 (X3 Posts)

Cost Centre, Estcourt: Signs Team (Estcourt) Ref No: DOT 147/2025 (X1 Post)

Maintenance Team (Piscah) Ref No: DOT 148/2025 (X2 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Mbabazane) Ref No: DOT 149/2025 (X1 Post)

Depot Team (Emnambithi) Ref No: DOT 150/2025 (X1 Post)

Durban Region (X155 Posts):

Cost Centre, Port Shepstone: Signs Team (Umzinto) Ref No: DOT 151/2025 (X6 Posts)

Signs Team (Port Shepstone South) Ref No: DOT 152/2025 (X2 Posts)

Signs Team (Port Shepstone, North) Ref No: DOT 153/2025 (X4 Posts)

Service Wagon Team (Vulamehlo) Ref No: DOT 154/2025 (X2 Posts)

Service Wagon Team (Umzumbe) Ref No: DOT 155/2025 (X1 Post)

Mechanical Workshop, Port Shepstone Ref No: DOT 156/2025 (X1 Post)

Materials Testing (Port Shepstone) Ref No: DOT 157/2025 (X2 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Dududu) Ref No: DOT 158/2025 (X8 Posts)

Maintenance Team 2 (Morrisons Post) Ref No: DOT 159/2025 (X8 Posts)

Maintenance Team 1(Morrisons Post) Ref No: DOT 160/2025 (X1 Post)

Maintenance Team (Port Shepstone, South) Ref No: DOT 161/2025 (X5 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Paddock) Ref No: DOT 162/2025 (X1 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Umfume) Ref No: DOT 163/2025 (X4 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Dweshula) Ref No: DOT 164/2025 (X8 Posts)

Maintenance Team 1 (Harding) Ref No: DOT 165/2025 (X3 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Port Shepstone North) Ref No: DOT 166/2025 (X4 Posts)

Grader Team 3 (Morrisons Post) Ref No: DOT 167/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 3 (Harding) Ref No: DOT 168/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 2 (Harding) Ref No: DOT 169/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 2 (Dweshula) Ref No: DOT 170/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 1 (Harding) Ref No: DOT 171/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 1 (Dududu) Ref No: DOT 172/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team (Mfume) Ref No: DOT 173/2025 (X1 Post)

Concrete Team (Umzinto) Ref No: DOT 174/2025 (X6 Posts)

Blacktop Team (Paddock) Ref No: DOT 175/2025 (X3 Posts)

Blacktop Team (Harding) Ref No: DOT 176/2025 (X7 Posts)

Cost Centre, Metro:

Maintenance Team (Inanda) Ref No: DOT 177/2025 (X3 Posts)

Ground Maintenance Team 2 (Merebank) Ref No: DOT 178/2025 (X5 Posts)

Ground Maintenance Team 1 (Merebank) Ref No: DOT 179/2025 (X4 Posts)

Grader Team (St Helier) Ref No: DOT 180/2025 (X1 Post)

Drainage Team (Northdene) Ref No: DOT 181/2025 (X3 Posts)

Concrete Team (Umbumbulu) Ref No: DOT 182/2025 (X2 Posts)

Concrete Team (St Helier) Ref No: DOT 183/2025 (X2 Posts)

Vegetation Team (St Helier) Ref No: DOT 184/2025 (X1 Post)

Signs Team 1 (Merebank) Ref No: DOT 185/2025 (X2 Posts)

Procurement & Provisioning (Metro) Ref No: DOT 186/2025 (X3 Posts)

Mechanical Workshop Metro Ref No: DOT 187/2025 (X2 Posts)

Maintenance Team 2 (St Helier) Ref No: DOT 188/2025 (X5 Posts)

Maintenance Team 1 (St Helier) Ref No: DOT 189/2025 (X4 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Umbumbulu) Ref No: DOT 190/2025 (X1 Post)

Blacktop Team (Isipingo) Ref No: DOT 191/2025 (X2 Posts)

Cost Centre, Stanger:

Periodic Maintenance Gravel Team (Maphumulo) Ref No: DOT 192/2025 (X1 Post)

Mechanical Workshop (Stanger) Ref No: DOT 193/2025 (X1 Post)

Maintenance Team (Ndwedwe) Ref No: DOT 194/2025 (X13 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Mhlali) Ref No: DOT 195/2025 (X2 Posts)

Maintenance Team (Mbozambo) Ref No: DOT 196/2025 (X1 Post)

Maintenance Team (Maphumulo) Ref No: DOT 197/2025 (X3 Posts)

Grader Team (Mandeni) Ref No: DOT 198/2025 (X7 Posts)

Grader Team 2 (Ndwedwe) Ref No: DOT 199/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 1 (Ndwedwe) Ref No: DOT 200/2025 (X1 Post)

Grader Team 1 (Maphumulo) Ref No: DOT 201/2025 (X1 Post)

Blacktop Team 2 (Mhlali) Ref No: DOT 202/2025 (X7 Posts)

Blacktop Team 1 (Mhlali) Ref No: DOT 203/2025 (X2 Posts)

Blacktop Team (Mbozambo) (Ref. No. DOT 204/2025 (X8 Posts)

Blacktop Team (Mandeni) Ref No: DOT 205/2025 (X8 Posts) Blacktop Team (Maphumulo) Ref No: DOT 206/2025 (X7 Posts) Auxiliary Services (Stanger) Ref No:

DOT 207/2025 (X1 Post) Empangeni Region (X1 Post):

Cost Centre, Hluhluwe:

Signs Team (Hluhluwe) Ref No: DOT 208/2025 (X1 Post)

Pietermaritzburg Region (X23 Posts):

Cost Centre, Pietermaritzburg: Depot Team (Camperdown) Ref No: DOT 209/2025 (X2 Posts)

Grader Team 2 (New Hanover) Ref No: DOT 210/2025 (X1 Post)

Maintenance Team (Nottingham Road) Ref No: DOT 211/2025 (X6 Posts)

Flat Crane Truck Team (Pietermaritzburg) Ref No: DOT 212/2025 (X1 Post)

Signs Team (Pietermaritzburg) Ref No: DOT 213/2025 (X2 Posts)

Grader Team 2 (Nagle Dam) Ref No: DOT 214/2025 (X1 Post)

Service Wagon Team (Eston) Ref No: DOT 215/2025 (X1 Post)

Betterment Team (Pietermaritzburg) Ref No: DOT 216/2025 (X2 Posts)

Service Wagon Team 1(Cedara) Ref No: DOT 217/2025 (X1 Post)

Service Wagon Team 2 (Cedara) Ref No: DOT 218/2025 (X1 Post)

Maintenance Team (Impendle) Ref No: DOT 219/2025 (X2 Posts)

Betterment Team (Nottingham Road) Ref No: DOT 220/2025 (X1 Post)

Drainange/Betterment Team (Impendle) Ref No: DOT 221/2025 (X1 Post)

Procurement & Provisioning (Pietermaritzburg) (Ref. No. DOT 222/2025 (X1 Post)

REQUIREMENTS: NQF Level 1 or 2 (Abet level 2 certificate or equivalent). Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required: Job knowledge. Communication skills. Interpersonal relation skills. Flexibility. Teamwork. Accuracy. Skills in the aptitude of figures. Computer literacy. Planning and organising skills. Good verbal and written communication skills.

DUTIES: Perform routine activities in respect of road maintenance and/or construction through inter alia the following: Construction of culvert and side drains. Erect and maintain steel guardrails and gabions. Construction of road earth and layer works. Clean and maintain roads, sidewalks, and resting areas. Surfacing and porthole patching. Read fencing and pipe laying. The setting of road markings and studs. Install road signs, and distance markers, and barricade the work area. Crushing of road material. Brush clearing and grass cutting.

ENQUIRIES: Ms TP Nkosi (Ladysmith) Tel No: (036) 638 4400 Ms SA Afrika (Durban) Tel No: (031) 700 2222 Mrs MS Hlela (Empangeni) Tel No: (035) 787 1442 Ms G Hlabisa (Pietermaritzburg) Tel No: (033) 392 6600

APPLICATIONS: Please note applications can be hand-delivered to the Office of the Department of Transport, Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, 172 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, or couriered via postal services to Recruitment & Selection Section, Human Resource Administration Directorate, Private Bag X9043, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through the KZN online e-Recruitment system at FOR ATTENTION: Mr B Hornsby

NOTE: It is the intention of this Department to consider equity targets when filling these positions.


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APPLICATIONS: Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through the KZN online e-recruitment system at Applicants may also visit any one of our Designated Online Application Centres (DOACs) where our friendly staff will assist you with applying for jobs on the KZN online e-recruitment system or receiving your hardcopy application. You can find the list of Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) at Please note that applicants should only use one of the following methods when applying for a post: either through the online e-recruitment system or submit a hardcopy application as directed. Forward your application, quoting the relevant reference number to: The recruitment & Selection Section, Human Resource Administration Directorate, Private Bag X9043, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. Applications may alternatively be hand-delivered to the Office of the Department of Transport, Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, 172 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg.

CLOSING DATE: 31 January 2025 (at 16h00). Applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.

NOTE: Applications must be submitted on the NEW Application for Employment Form, Z83 (obtainable on the internet at In terms of DPSA circular 19 of 2022, applicants are advised that part A, B C & D of the new Z83 form must be completed in full. Part E, F & G: noting that there is limited space provided applicants often indicate “refer to Curriculum Vitae (CV) or see attached”, this is acceptable as long as the CV has been attached and provides the required information. If the information is not provided in the CV, the applicant may be disqualified.

The questions related to conditions that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered, and the application should be initialled, dated and signed. Should an application be received using the incorrect application for employment (Z83) or the application is not completed in accordance with DPSA circular 19 of 2022, such application will not be considered. The completed and signed Z83 must be accompanied by a detailed CV. Dates of starting and leaving employment must be given as DD/MM/YYYY. Kindly take note that only shortlisted candidates will be required to provide certified copies of required documents on or before the date of the interviews following communication from Human Resources. Failure to comply with these instructions will lead to applications being disqualified. Should an applicant wish to apply for more than one post, separate applications must be submitted for each post applied for.

Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit holders must provide a copy of their Permanent Residence Permits if shortlisted for an interview. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and to provide proof of such if shortlisted for an interview. Under no circumstances will faxed or emailed applications be accepted. Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged due to the volume of applications, and should you not receive an invitation to attend an interview within three (3) months of the closing date applicants should assume that their application was unsuccessful. Please note that where experience is a requirement for the post, the successful candidate will be required to submit documentary proof of such work experience prior to assuming duty.

A personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification) will be conducted prior to employment. Prior to appointment being made to an SMS post, the appointee must have completed the pre-entry certificate and must be in possession of such prior to taking up the post. The Senior Management Pre-Entry Programme, which is a public service specific training programme applicable to all applicants who aspire to join the SMS, is to ensure that potential SMS members have a background on processes and procedures linked to the SMS.

The duration of the online Pre-Entry Programme is 120 notional hours. Full details may be sourced by the following link: All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency-based assessments).

The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. The Department of Transport reserves the right not to fill the advertised post(s) at any stage of the recruitment process.

Road Worker